Palin did it! She was on! Every time Biden spoke, all I heard was blah, blah, blah. And whenever Palin scored a direct hit, he smiled. He was smiling a lot tonight and so was I 🙂 And I loved the Reaganesque moment when she commented that for such a change ticket, they spend a lot of time pointing to the past.
BTW, I thought Ifill was fair and balanced. She actually asked fairly decent questions. The only time I thought she asked a gotcha question was the Cheney question. I thought she was trying to trip up Palin, it was pretty obvious.
Another BTW, did O’Biden (Sarah’s name for him 🙂 have botox? His eyes looked weird. It was funny that the girl wasn’t the one crying during the debate.
Update: The McCain camp is pretty happy (as they should be 🙂

“Tonight, Governor Palin proved beyond any doubt that she is ready to lead as Vice President of the United States. She won this debate, putting Joe Biden on defense on energy, foreign policy, taxes and the definition of change. Governor Palin laid bare Barack Obama’s record of voting to raise taxes, opposing the surge in Iraq, and proposing to meet unconditionally with the leaders of state sponsors of terror. The differences between the Obama-Biden ticket and the McCain-Palin ticket could not have been clearer. The American people saw stark contrasts in style and worldview. They saw Joe Biden, a Washington insider and a 36-year Senator, and Governor Palin, a Washington outsider and a maverick reformer. Governor Palin was direct, forceful and a breath of fresh air.” -Jill Hazelbaker, McCain-Palin 2008 Communications Director

Another update: Hewitt has an excellent scorecard on the debate. I didn’t realize that Palin had asked Biden if she could call him “Joe.” Pretty funny zinger! (Obama kept calling McCain, “John” during their debate)
Yet another update: The Frank Luntz’s focus group almost unanimously think she won the debate. They especially liked it when she talked about the bailout and said that the American people have to take responsibility and say that never again will be taken advantage of.
My final update of the night (cause I’m going to bed :-): Biden’s 14 lies.

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