I think it’s pretty clear this election cycle that we have no intention of allowing others to express an opposing view. We want to silence each other if we do not agree. If we could vote to end one of our rights as a citizen, I bet 1st amendment would be the first to go. Case in point: California and Prop. 8 which would ban gay marriages:

On the streets of Orange County suburbs, there’s a silent war brewing over a proposition that would change the state’s constitution to ban gay marriage.

The battles are taking place in the front yards and public right-of-ways from Buena Park to Mission Viejo, where those on both sides are reporting a multitude of Prop. 8 signs slashed, stolen, and tagged.
In Modesto, someone attacked and seriously injured a man waiting to distribute yard signs to other supporters of the ban, according to The Modesto Bee.
Shu-Chih Yuen, an Irvine resident, said she’s resorted to displaying her “Yes on 8” sign on the window after one was stolen and two tagged with “no” over the “yes.”
“Irvine has been rated as the safest city and I never thought this would be happening in the city,” Yuen said. “Not just is my property being violated but my right to speak is being violated. It’s kind of scary, you feel like people are attacking us almost.”

The political climate in this country has deteriorated to the point that we can’t express ourselves in a rational, sane manner. Private property is no longer considered private if you express an opposing view. It’s one of the reasons why I haven’t put up a Sarah! sign on my front lawn, I don’t want my house and car egged and I haven’t put a Sarah! bummer sticker on my car because I don’t want it keyed. I know that this is Obama country and I’m not going to be able to express my political views without paying the price (which I’m not willing to pay for McCain :-), so I’ll express them at the voting booth where we all get to have our say without fear of reprisals.

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