Michelle Malkin has the definitive post on this subject because she demonstrates just how insane the left has become. Years worth of pictures ridiculing and advocating violence against George Bush and now Palin (with a gun to her head) and McCain made to look like a vampire (taken by a MSM photographer). She has videos of celebrities trashing Palin in crude language, a cartoon of Palin getting punched in the face and even an “Abort Palin” graphic. She lists lefty criminals accused of vandalism, assault, stalking and terrorizing, attempted murder, and destruction of property (slashing tires, stealing political yard signs).Sorry but until the left starts facing their own insanity, the right won’t listen to the whining of the MSM. BTW, speaking of the insanity of the left, here is more of it. Typical leftist rhetoric: crude, misogynistic and emotional. I always find it particularly offensive when women use the word, they should understand the hatred for women expressed in the term. Their use of the term demonstrates their ignorance and self-loathing. And speaking of crude, emotional and rage, this is what happens if you walk around NYC (the Upper West Side) with a McCain sign:We get it, lefties, we get it. You don’t really like any view but your own. Sorry but freedom of speech means we all get to express ourselves even when you don’t want to hear it. Do what we do, tune it out.

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