Another blast from the past to put today’s news in historic context.

The Des Moines Register’s Iowa Poll “shows 48% of Iowans likely to vote in Tuesday’s election, or who have already voted by absentee ballot,” support Sen. John Kerry and 45% back President Bush.
“Twenty-seven percent of Iowa adults surveyed said they had already voted. Kerry leads Bush, 52 percent to 41 percent, among that group of early-bird voters.”

Yet Bush carried the state in 2004.

Here’s the current version of this story
. Same report different candidate.
To my Republican brethren: don’t worry about early reports of Obama winning this thing, the MSM always tries to tamp down our participation. Don’t buy the hype. Don’t give them the satisfaction of winning this thing from Obama.
Update: Bill Dyer has some good advice regarding the polls: illegitimi non carborundum.

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