He sounds like a grumpy old man:

And how can you be her age and never have gone to Europe? … Sarah Palin’s travel record is that of a hopeless provincial. … Palin is a shallow, chirpy person with those vaguely alarming eyeglasses. Now her fans all want a pair. Remember back when women wore glasses that departed their ears in plastic swoops and swirls? My theory is, anyone who wears glasses that look weird is telling me something I don’t want to know. I trust the American people will see through Palin’s facade, and save the Republic in November. The most damning indictment against her is that she considered herself a good choice to be a heartbeat away. That shows bad judgment.

He’s not too elitist is he? I haven’t been to Europe either, not because I don’t want to but because of the cost. It must be nice to be able to go and then look down your nose at others who haven’t gotten a chance.
BTW, when I went to the link the article wasn’t there, maybe he had second thoughts about his rant.

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