It seems like the folks in Hollywood are afraid that they will be getting yet another Republican for president. All their attempts at propaganda aren’t enough, they really can’t control the voting public so all they are left with is throwing money at Obama and hope that he can close the deal with the voters. It must really frost them that they lack the power to have Obama installed as president. Thank the Lord that we live in a country where the elites aren’t in control and can’t dictate how we cast our vote:

Fear is also a great motivator. With the rapid rise of rival Sen. John McCain in the national polls over the past week and the hubbub surrounding his vice presidential pick, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a renewed sense of urgency has gripped Democrats. Those in the entertainment business seem especially aware that a new leading lady mysteriously dropped into the final act of a thriller can dramatically alter the previously predictable storyline.
“People are really scared that McCain is gaining,” said a Hollywood politico involved with Tuesday’s fundraiser. “In my 20 years here, I have never seen folks write checks like this.”

Looks like Hollywood fears the power of Palin 🙂 And they’re right to fear her because she’s bringing in some of the Hillary supporters. There is no way that McCain should be within five points in NY (there are 2.3 million more Democrats than Republicans in NY) and within three in NJ. That’s a drop of ten points since June.

The polls found McCain closing the gap with Obama during the past 10 days – in the wake of Palin’s sensational GOP convention speech, Obama’s crack that “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” and amid a swirling controversy over Palin’s credentials to be vice president.
The polling data track the findings of a little-noticed Marist College poll of likely New Jersey voters late last week that found Obama barely ahead of McCain, 48 percent to 45 percent. New Jersey generally votes Democratic, though its enrollment is not as heavily Democratic as New York state’s.

If Obama loses this election, he’ll have to live with the knowledge that he did so because he didn’t put Clinton on the ticket. Imagine what a shock that will be that he wasn’t able to carry the ticket by himself and needed the chick to close the deal 🙂

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