According to Eleanor Clift there was laughter in many newsrooms because the elites in the MSM didn’t consider Palin a serious choice.
Oh, is this the same media who cheered when Obama accepted the Democratic nomination? The media that blathers on and on about being fair and objective? Yeah, we can all see how fair and objective they’ve been during this race.

But it’s clear that McCain is having the last laugh as he rakes in money, support, crowds and acclaim for his choice. Pretty good for a chick from Alaska, huh? Shows you the level of political acumen of the MSM (pretty darn low).
BTW, speaking of low, this one is at the bottom. Evidently, this is the level of political discourse when you have a woman in the race.
Update: OK, I was wrong, Colmes didn’t even come close to bottom when you compare it with this. But given the fact that it’s Daily Kos, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
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