So, in an effort to be helpful and make sure you are ready to give a defense for the hope that is within you and are prepared for the reaction of “getting in the face” of Republicans, I thought I would provide some questions that you may receive since Obama’s suggestions will leave you ill-prepared for anyone who has even a modicum of knowledge about this race:

“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” he said.
“And if they tell you that, ‘Well, we’re not sure where he stands on guns.’ I want you to say, ‘He believes in the Second Amendment.’ If they tell you, ‘Well, he’s going to raise your taxes,’ you say, ‘No, he’s not, he’s going lower them.’ You are my ambassadors. You guys are the ones who can make the case.”

If you said that Obama believes in the Second Amendment to me, I would ask you what is Obama’s view of handguns? What was it before the DC case and what is it now? Does he believe that we should be able to defend ourselves with a handgun or is it just hunters who have the right to own a gun? Does he want to limit the amount of guns that we can own?
On taxes: does he intend to abolish the Bush tax cuts? What will the new tax rate be for those making over $250,000? What other taxes does he intend to impose when he realizes that won’t be enough to cover the cost of all the things he’s proposing to do?
On the economy: what specifically does he intend to do to right this economy? How will raising taxes help? Why should we trust his judgment when he hasn’t done anything about it in the past when he had oversight (the Congress dropped the ball on Freddie and Fannie)?
On abortions: does he intend to provide federal money for abortions? How does that make them rare?
On drilling: why won’t he allow drilling? How does he intend to ensure that we are energy independent in 10 years? How do we move from our current energy sources to new energy sources? How much help does he intend to provide in the transition?

On Iraq: when does Obama plan to remove the troops? I’ve heard different dates, what is his specific date of withdrawal?
On invading Pakistan: He said that he would invade Pakistan and they said they would engage us if we did, does he intend to start a war with Pakistan?
So, when you can answer these questions, then you’ll be ready to get in a Republican’s face. Though, you should also be prepared for those of us who will nod politely and then make an excuse to leave rather than getting into it. Sometimes it’s just easier not to bother, why beat your head against the wall?
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