Oh those poor journalists, just doing their job 🙂 Well, the crowd certainly didn’t think so:

Hundreds of angry people in this small town outside Milwaukee taunted reporters and TV crews traveling with Sen. John McCain on Friday, chanting “Be fair!” and pointing fingers at a pack of journalists as they booed loudly.[…]The crowd was not menacing or threatening, but was clearly angry.”You’re telling lies! Stop the lies!” one man yelled. Asked why the crowd was so angry, Linda J. Green of Mequon, Wisc., said: “I’m thinking the press is very biased.””I think the press is very liberal and very slanted against the McCain-Palin ticket. Would you ask a man if his kids were being taken care of while he’s out campaigning?”

(via)Menacing or threatening? Do they think that Republicans would act like anarchists or antiwar protesters? And they aren’t too thrilled with the comparisons to Tina Fey or the sexy librarian references. They consider that sexism (I agree that the sexy librarian comment is sexist but she does look a little like Tina Fey). Though the MSM aren’t the ones that started the sexy librarian meme, it was conservative bloggers who pushed it though it was Craig Ferguson who started it a year ago when he said that she had a “naughty librarian” vibe:

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