But she could be wearing a pregnancy suit.
Yesterday I linked to this story about the Daily Kos floating a rumor that Palin’s son is actually her grandson. They posted pictures of her oldest daughter with a slight bump but what they didn’t realize or lied about was that the picture was taken in 2006.
Now one of the bloggers at Kos has discovered that there’s a picture of Palin pregnant thus casting doubt on their whole conspiracy. Now they have to decide whether they should delete the post that notes the pictures and pretend they don’t know (I guess that’s the intention, I’m not sure why they would delete evidence that they are just nuts) or keep the post knowing that it refutes their rumor. There’s a poll up to determine what to do.
I think that they might want to heed the advice of the blogger:

Flogging this rumor in light of what seems to be pretty solid counter-evidence is just squandering whatever credibility we have. In the words of Janor Hypercleats, “They’s laughin’ at you, boy.” There is so much more that we could be highlighting regarding Palin; we don’t want that to be tarred with “from the same people who smeared Palin’s teenage daughter…”

Whatever credibility you have? I’m sorry but that boat sailed a long time ago. You guys just keep proving it with nutty theories like this.
They are certainly are earning their nickname, aren’t they? (Nutroots)

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