So the big question is whether Palin brings something to the McCain ticket. Will she be a bust or a plus? Given the level of excitement her pick has already generated in conservative circles (The Corner was abuzz with many people emailing that they plan to contribute and Limbaugh et al. where positivity raving yesterday over the pick), I’d say the base is pretty happy. Enough to open their checkbook and pour in $3 million to McCain’s campaign!

She may not bring Hillary supporters into the fold because of her pro-life stand but she’s galvanized the base and got us excited about this race the way that McCain never could (except for some who were excited by his performance at Rick Warren’s forum). She will be a good alternative to Obama who spoke of change in Washington and yet choose a Washington insider as his running mate, one that’s been there most of his adult life. Palin brings a fresh perspective and the experience of being both a mayor and Governor.
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