Just like Bush, taking contributions and giving them tax breaks but fails to mention that he voted for Bush’s energy bill and has taken contributions as well:

“Now Big Oil’s filling John McCain’s campaign with $2 million in contributions,” citing the Center for Responsive Politics. “Because instead of taxing their windfall profits to help drivers, McCain wants to give them another $4 billion in tax breaks.”[…]”Barack Obama’s latest attack ads shows his celebrity is matched only by his hypocrisy,” said McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds. “After all it was Senator Obama, not John McCain, who voted for the Bush-Cheney energy bill that was a sweetheart deal for oil companies. Also not mentioned is the $400,000 from big oil contributors that Barack Obama has already pocketed in this election.”

The ad doesn’t mention that the tax cut from 35% to 25% is intended for all corporations not just the oil companies. copor is intended for all corporations not just oil.The ad also touts his windfall profits tax scheme:

“A windfall profits tax on big oil to give families a thousand-dollar rebate,” an announcer in the ad says.

Unfortunately, Obama doesn’t seem to have learned from recent history that a windfall profits tax leads to less domestic oil, an increase in our dependence on foreign oil and declining tax revenues.BTW, the Michigan Republicans plan to go to Obama’s Lansing event and hand out tire gauges engraved with “Obama’s Energy Plan.” Update: BTW, technically no one actually takes money from oil companies because there’s a law on the books that corporations can’t donate money to campaigns. So, neither candidate has taken money from oil corporations but both candidates have taken money from those working in the oil industry.(via)Update: Sorry about that, in the middle of blogging I switched the reference I was using and I have no idea what I did to cause the problem with the link. It’s fixed now.

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