Oh.My.Heck! This is a pretty amazing ad, amazing that McCain’s campaign isn’t afraid to paint Obama as thin-skinned and didn’t pick Clinton because of the tough campaign she ran against him. You can read the transcript of the ad here but the video won’t be available until 3:00 am. I’ll update this post when it’s released (well, after I wake up and make my breakfast that is :-)So far the McCain attack ads have been pretty brilliant and are hitting Obama where it will hurt most, his vanity. First turning his strength into a weakness (his lofty rhetoric and his ability to attract worshipful followers) and now taking a weakness and highlighting it (Obama’s inability to take criticism).(via)Update: I wasn’t able to find the ad.Updated again: Here it is. I particularly liked “The truth hurt and Obama didn’t like it.” Hits him in his weakness, thin-skinned.

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