The Republicans are still protesting in Congress and are willing to vote for just about anything that includes drilling, even Paris Hilton’s plan 🙂

As they plan for another week of House protest, those Republicans have found an unlikely ally and publicity magnet in Hilton. The model and actress launched a parody campaign commercial earlier this week, suggesting a hybrid of energy plans from presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain
“We can do limited offshore drilling, with strict environmental oversight,” the heiress suggested in an animal print bathing suit, “while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars.”
“Even Paris Hilton had an energy plan that she’s talking about,” said Burgess, seizing a chance to make Democrats look lackluster on the issue.

When I first saw the Hilton video, I thought the plan sounded reasonable. It was a compromise that only the most virulently partisan and the environmentalists would reject, so I figured you guys hated it, right 🙂
Update: Here’s a good idea, send your gas receipt and “short note about what your family has had to sacrifice because of out-of-control prices at the pump” to Jim Inhofe and he will present them to Reid. You can let Reid know how his inaction is impacting you at the pump (Yeah, it is! We all know that the oil price will immediately drop the minute the speculators know that we are getting serious about drilling).

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