That’s what he’s saying on his blog:

I’m on my way to New York for a few days to meet with Fox News officials and discuss a show I would host as well as appear on numerous Fox programs in the next few days. On Tuesday and Wednesday, a really special opportunity for me–I’ll be subbing for the legendary and immortal Paul Harvey on the ABC Radio Network. As someone whose first job was in local radio in Hope, AR at the age of 14, the thought of subbing for Paul Harvey is truly a special honor.

Ah ha! I knew it! I knew he was looking to get a TV show out of his run! He even stole Thompson’s gig! It’s not surprising (in fact I even predicted it during the primary) that he would get his own show since he loved to go on the morning shows and joke around. I’m surprised it took him this long, I figured he would have gotten it as soon as he lost the primary.

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