Is this a little light at the end of the tunnel? I wonder if he’s been reading the polls?

“I’m open to drilling and responsible production,” Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin told The Wall Street Journal, adding that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid could also support the move.

Well, he just might get a chance to vote on it because the Republicans have found some Democrats in the Senate who also must have been reading the polls as well:

Senate Republicans said on Wednesday they are working with Democrats to come up with compromise energy legislation that would tackle record gasoline prices and open more offshore areas to oil drilling.
Instead of trying to move a broad energy bill that is loaded with all sorts of energy proposals, a bipartisan group of 10 senators is working on more narrow legislation that would have a better chance of winning the 60 votes needed in the Senate to block a filibuster.

I would think that it would be in everyone’s best interest to compromise and allow drilling and if it doesn’t lower oil prices, blame the Republicans (they’re used to it 🙂

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