Oh my heck! I can’t believe this AP reporter is so clueless that he thinks that we, the American public, need someone to tell us to conserve gas by driving less. Does he think we go through life clueless until the government explains something to us? Does he think that we need the president of the United States to tell us to conserve and that we’ll magically comply? I wonder if he’s old enough to remember Carter sitting in the Oval Office in his sweater lecturing us to turn our thermostats down. I didn’t appreciate the president dictating to me what I could set my thermostat at then and I wouldn’t appreciate the president telling me how much I can drive my car now.
We don’t need the president telling us to conserve we need to open up more avenues for drilling and we don’t need some pompous, elitist, clueless jerk asking the president to lecture to us. We aren’t children, we’re adults who understand that we have enough oil here in America to meet our energy needs if we stop allowing the environmentalists to dictate where we can drill. We want our government to do their job and stop standing in the way of our oil.

The government isn’t going to stop us driving and evidently the fact that gas is at $4 a gallon doesn’t stop people from traveling on I-95 on a Sunday. I should know because I spent most of the day burning my $4 a gallon gas sitting in a traffic jam of rubber neckers in Maryland (twice!). You would think that people wouldn’t need to travel on a Sunday afternoon but it was packed all the way into Virginia, all the way to Fredericksburg. The president lecturing me to drive less wouldn’t have stopped me from driving this weekend because I had no choice unless I wanted my daughters to live with their grandparents until the price of gas dropped.

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