That quote if from a Democrat who believes that Obama is just too liberal.

Democratic Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma said Tuesday Barack Obama is “the most liberal senator” in Congress and he has no intention of endorsing him for the White House.
However, Boren will vote for Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August and will vote Democratic on Nov. 4.
“I think this is an important time for our country,” Boren said in a telephone interview. “We’re facing a terrible economic downturn. We have high gasoline prices. We have problems in our foreign policy. That’s why I think it’s important.”
Boren, the lone Democrat in Oklahoma’s congressional delegate, said that while Obama has talked about working with Republicans, “unfortunately, his record does not reflect working in a bipartisan fashion.”

I think that once people start learning of Obama’s agenda and his voting record they’ll realize how liberal his is and I think it will have an impact (maybe not enough to offset McCain’s lack of conservative support though).
BTW, I wonder if Boren will vote for McCain in the secrecy of the voting booth. Who would know?

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