Big shock there! It appears that the American people just might be getting the message that Obama isn’t all that experienced. And how shocking is it that McCain beats Obama on Iraq as well! Iraq? What? I thought that Obama was giving the people what they wanted? Shouldn’t he get a majority on that one? Guess maybe the people aren’t interested in surrendering and leaving in defeat?

When it comes to the economy, 47% of voters trust John McCain more than Barack Obama. Obama is trusted more by 41%. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey also found that, when it comes to the War in Iraq, McCain is trusted more by 49% of voters. Obama is preferred by 37%. McCain has an even larger edge—53% to 31%–on the broader topic of National Security. These results are little changed from a month ago.
Obama enjoys a 43% to 39% advantage when it comes to government ethics and reducing corruption. McCain has a 44% to 38% advantage on taxes.
It is interesting to note that while McCain has the edge over Obama on these issues, Democrats are trusted more than Republicans on a generic basis. This ability of McCain to outperform the party label helps explain why he is competitive with the Democrats in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking poll.


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