Did you ever think it would end? The stake has been driven into her heart and she is finished but is she looking forward to 2012 or 2016? Only she knows for sure:

Hillary Rodham Clinton ended her historic campaign for the presidency on Saturday and told supporters to unite behind rival Barack Obama, closing out a race that was as grueling as it was groundbreaking.
The former first lady, who as recently as Tuesday declared herself the strongest candidate, gave Obama an unqualified endorsement and pivoted from her role as determined foe to absolute ally.
“The way to continue our fight now to accomplish the goals for which we stand is to take our energy, our passion, our energy and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama, the next president of the United States,” she said in a speech before cheering supporters packed into the ornate National Building Museum, not far from the White House she longed to reign in.
“Today as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary campaign he has won. I endorse him and throw my full support behind him and I ask of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me,” the New York senator said.

Now, I can finally say thank you to the Democrats for a job well done. Making it look like she was inevitable only to lose it after months and months of grueling primaries and caucuses and millions of her own money thrown away. Her husband’s legacy trashed to the point that the “first black president” is being called a racist. He’s calling the MSM names and she’s saying that Fox is the most fair and balanced news channel! It is a thing beauty, isn’t it? So, delicious on so many levels.
And the icing on the cake is that they chose an inexperienced junior Senator from Illinois over her. That must have been particularly galling to Clinton. And the perfect ending to this story. What would be an even better ending is that he loses in the fall and she gets to say, “I told you so!” And then she tries to run again in 2012. Yes, more of the Democrats’ money thrown away trying to get her elected.
An interpretation of this post from the Reformed perspective:
I’ll admit that this post isn’t written from a particularly Reformed perspective. I might be able to come up with something if you force me but I don’t want to. I wrote it because my heart was overflowing with joy that the world knows that the emperor (in this case emperors) has no clothes. Yes, life is good.

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