Look at what the Democrats and the environmentalists have wrought with their no drilling in America policy:

Don’t be surprised to see more filling stations with empty pumps. But don’t panic either. There isn’t a gasoline shortage like there was in the 1970s.
What’s happening is that filling stations have had their margins squeezed. Credit-card companies charge by the dollar, pushing up costs per gallon that filling stations pay to work with banks. And forget about sneaking in a few pennies’ worth of profit. Consumers are bargain-shopping like never before. The upshot: Some filling stations either can’t stay in business or are just barely hanging on.
Plenty of filling stations have already gone under. Last year, 3,184 of the nation’s 164,292 gasoline stations closed their doors and went out of business, the biggest drop in five years, according to National Petroleum News. In the mid-1990s, there were more than 200,000 stations in the U.S. Experts think there are more closures to come.

Great. Not only do we have to pay more for it, we might have to use more of it looking for places that will sell it to us. Thanks, Democrats! I think of you every time I put $40 bucks worth of gas in my car (that’s all I can afford — I’m not a rich Republican) and it doesn’t even reach full.
BTW, I don’t know if it’s happening by you but I’ve noticed that the stations have started charging more for credit card purchases. Notice how the cost is being passed on to the consumers. If the Congress had their way and taxed the oil companies, then gas prices would be even higher. If Obama is elected, get ready to pay even more at the pump.

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