And I have no idea how I did, I never know, But I did fill one blue book and had to use a second, that could be a good sign (or not). I wrote for the whole 3 hours straight and my hand was so sore when I was done.
I had to immediately start studying for my doctrine of God final when I was done (it really is annoying that I can’t take a day to recover). For that test I have four reading assignments (about 400 pages) so I’m going to be very busy this weekend. Too busy to even celebrate Mother’s Day! (Sorry, Mom) Which is typical since they usually schedule my finals the week after Mother’s Day.

BTW, I went to see the ears, nose and throat doctor and he left it up to me if I wanted to have surgery but since I would never voluntarily have surgery on my nose ever again, I passed (they would have to drag me kicking and screaming into the hospital — sinus surgery was worse than both of my daughters’ deliveries). He thinks it will heal properly without surgery so I’m going to let it heal on it’s own. Especially since I just had surgery in March and I’m going to have to schedule another surgery after I’m done with my finals (I’m having a cyst removed from my thumb).
OK, I think I’m starting to sound like a little old lady with all my aches and pains 🙂 that’s enough of that!
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