If they think that McCain is the savior of their brand. Sorry, but if they are running scared because of these special elections, they might want to get a clue why they keep losing. It’s quite simple really, they are running against conservative Democrats. And they are too stupid to listen to what the base has been saying since 2006, “You are not conservative enough — too much spending and the government is getting too big.” And while their base is screaming at the top of it’s lungs for them to turn the ship around, they decide to run aground with McCain. Unbelievable!

In a delicious piece of irony, many dispirited Republicans, devastated by Tuesday’s special election loss in Mississippi, now believe their savior to be John McCain — a not-so-constant conservative many of them also have long intensely disliked.
The logic: McCain, the vaunted maverick, can move the party away from President Bush and reinvent a Republican brand that, at the moment, is in tatters.
“The public is prepared to believe that McCain is a different kind of Republican,” said Republican Deputy Chairman Frank Donatelli, McCain’s point man at the committee. “This is not some political idea that was cooked up.”

The answer to their problems is simple, they need to be a maverick like McCain. They can run against themselves and repent of their record and promise to be just as much as a maverick as McCain and not let the other Republicans entice them into pork barrel spending and governmental power grabs (such as McCain’s global warming package). If they can put as much distance between themselves and…well, themselves (or at least their record), they may have a shot at winning a few more seats than expected.

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