Oh.My.Heck!!! This guy is so funny! How stupid is it that he is spending this much time even thinking about a stupid flag pin, not to mention drafting a whole campaign strategy over it. First he refuses to wear one because he wants to redefine patriotism and then he decides to wear one because he’s afraid that the Republicans will use it against him in the general.

The flag pin that appeared on Barack Obama’s lapel is just the opening salvo of Operation Patriotism for the Democratic presidential candidate.
The Illinois senator overcame his longstanding reluctance to wear a flag pin after he was presented with one by a veteran in Charleston, West Virginia, on May 12. Obama is trying to head off what advisers expect to be a Republican effort to impugn his patriotism. His campaign plans to emphasize his family’s military ties, his work on behalf of veterans and his life story, said Richard Danzig, an adviser who was Navy secretary under former President Bill Clinton.

BTW, if he really wants to fight the Republicans on the patriotism charge, he might want to send his wife back to Chicago until he’s won the election.
And then there’s this:

The flag and other patriotic props will be displayed more often, Danzig said.

The flag as a prop. Hmmm…seems a little staged, don’t you think? Yes, I know that everyone uses the flag as a prop in during political campaigns but wasn’t Obama’s campaign supposed to be different? He’s just as staged and fake as everyone else. Admit it Obama supporters, he’s just a politician just like McCain and Clinton. There’s nothing new, fresh or different about him, he’s the same old same old.

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