I know Sean Penn isn’t talking about abortion here so what the heck is his problem with Obama?

”I don’t have a candidate I’m supporting and I’m certainly interested and excited by the hope that Barack Obama is inspiring,” he said, but went on to accuse him of a “phenomenally inhuman and unconstitutional” voting record.
”I hope that he will understand, if he is the nominee, the degree of disillusionment that will happen if he doesn’t become a greater man than he will ever be,” Penn said. “This is the most important election, certainly in my lifetime, and maybe ever.”

BTW, I agree with Penn here (I never thought I would ever say that!) that Obama is going to disappoint as a president. He’s positioning himself as a moderate but it’s abundantly clear from his voting record and his wife’s speeches that he’s not. And those Obamacans think that he wouldn’t be stupid enough to pull out of Iraq no matter what the situation on the ground will be disappointed when he does and if he doesn’t the left will have a cow. Since he’s empty of substance and full of soaring rhetoric of bipartisanship, it’s easy to see that when he governs as a extreme lefty his moderates and conservatives will see what we’ve been trying to say for the past year. Or maybe I’m wrong it and it will look like this 🙂

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