Well, duh! Who didn’t see that coming? You guys who come here crowing in the comment section that our candidate can’t even draw enough of his supporters to fill a stadium in his own state might want to save your fingers the trouble, I already know and predicated it in the primary (I think I even predicated that he might not be able to carry AZ in the fall). I knew that he wouldn’t energize the base, he didn’t have our support in the primary and I knew that he wouldn’t have our finical support for the general. I knew that he couldn’t get us to coalesce around his candidacy and would only do the bare minimum in an attempt to entice us to do so. So, I’m not surprised or discouraged by it. It’s what I expected.He can’t fill a stadium in his own state? Big shock there! What could he expect after he continually sticks his finger in the eye of his contingents over illegal immigration reform. You don’t do that and expect people to pay for the pleasure of seeing you speak. Why do you people think I spend so little time blogging about his candidacy? Because I can’t stand him and have no desire to support him at all. I blog about what interests me and he doesn’t. He is not my candidate (as I have said repeatedly on this blog), he is the Republican candidate and in this election, I’m considering myself an Independent and will be voting for him just as any Independent would.But having said all that, he would make an infinitely better president than Obama because he has much more experience working in the federal government and has a firmer grasp on foreign policy than Obama does as his many gaffes demonstrate. He’s not naive and doesn’t think his rhetoric will cause the nations to swoon and be ready to capitulate (though he’s about as arrogant as Obama and probably as filled with his own brilliance and believes just as strongly as Obama that he’s the answer to the country’s problems). And he will at least not tie the hands of our military the way Obama is intent on doing as this video demonstrates:Do we really want a president who will say to our enemies, “Hey, we have nothing to threaten you with, let’s talk.” Yes, McCain would be infinitely better at defense than Obama and every time I hear Obama tell us what he’ll do when he’s elected president, it makes me much happier to vote for McCain.BTW, those of you who are predicating this election by crowd sides might want to remember that the Democrats did that in 2004 and look what that got them and even though Obama spoke in front of 35,000 in Philadelphia, he still lost PA. There are many people who vote who will never see the candidate in person. We may not have any desire to see McCain speak or give him money to run but we will be pulling the lever for him in the fall. And as more information gets out how Obama plans to govern (like the stuff on the video), I expect McCain to get even more support, maybe even from those who thought they wouldn’t vote for him. Is it enough to push him to victory? We won’t know for sure until November and those of you who are crowing now might want to wait till then or you just might have to eat it 🙂

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