I think he’s right about that, he’s certainly going to give McCain a run for his money that’s for sure. Poor McCain, he can’t catch a break, can he? Good! It couldn’t happen to a more deserving candidate. Maybe now he’ll learn the price you pay for being a maverick and thumbing your nose at the party and it’s base.

Former Georgia congressman Bob Barr, who used to be a Republican, today won the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination. The Associated press reports it took six rounds of voting at the party’s convention in Denver to settle on Barr, one of the lawmakers who led the impeachement proceedings against then-president Clinton.

BTW, he may be a stronger candidate but he won’t win. McCain will get the moderates and those of us conserves who understand that a third party candidate doesn’t have a shot at winning. Barr will get those on the right who dislike McCain and that’s not a majority of Republicans. I doubt he gets many Democrats. He might also get some of Paul’s supporters. From his website:

* For far too long and at the cost of American blood and treasure, our great military has been too willingly and quickly used for purposes other than national defense. Our fighting men and women deserve better and the integrity of our nation must be restored.
* Our National Defense policy must renew a commitment to non-intervention. We are not the world’s police force and our long, yet recently tarnished, tradition of respecting the sovereignty of other nations is necessary, not from only a moral standpoint, but to regain the respect of the world as a principled and peaceful nation.
* The proper use of force is clear. If attacked, the aggressor will experience firsthand the skillful wrath of the American fighting man. However, invading or initiating force against another nation based upon perceived threats and speculative intelligence is simply un-American. We are better than the policy of pre-emptive warfare.

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