Since she’s the Republican in the race, the MSM is making sure everyone knows that she doesn’t have chance of winning.

Hillary Rodham Clinton coasted to overwhelming victory in the Kentucky primary on Tuesday, a triumph of scant political value in a Democratic presidential race moving inexorably in Barack Obama’s direction.
The two rivals also collided in Oregon’s unique vote-by-mail contest, and Obama predicted he would finish the night with a majority of all delegates at stake in the 56 primaries and caucuses on the campaign calendar.

“This is one of the closest races for a party’s nomination in modern history,” Clinton told supporters celebrating her victory. “We’re winning the popular vote,” she said, despite figures from competitive contests that show otherwise. “I’m more determined than ever to see that every vote is cast and every ballot is counted.”
Even so, she commended Obama, adding, “while we continue to go toe-to- toe for this nomination, we do see eye-to-eye when it comes to uniting our party to elect a Democratic president this fall.”
With votes counted from 97 percent of Kentucky’s precincts, Clinton was gaining 65 percent of the vote to 30 percent for Obama.
Almost nine in 10 ballots were cast by whites, and the former first lady was winning their support overwhelmingly. She defeated her rival among voters of all age groups and incomes, the college educated and non-college educated, self-described liberals, moderates and conservatives.
Though Clinton has had a strong run through the late primaries, Obama has steadily outpaced her where it counts, in the race for national convention delegates.
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