I didn’t know Rachel Ray was so hated. I think she’s kind of cute. And of course the reason makes perfect sense:

The leading voice in the field is the eponymous “Rachael Ray Sucks,” a LiveJournal community that has been trafficking in anti-Ray sentiment since 2003. The website’s founder, Azraelle, has her own reasons for hatin’ on Ray: “The thing that angers me the most is the fact that she uses onions in her ‘dog-friendly’ recipes. Onions are toxic to dogs, and it infuriates me that she is encouraging people to potentially harm their beloved pets,” she says. “As far as her annoying quirks go, I hate how cumin is never just cumin; it is always smoky cumin. God, that rides a nerve.”

Oh boy! I guess people have been hated for less.
I agree with who made it to the top of the list (I’m not ruining the suspense 🙂 She deserves it.
And it’s surprising that Marko Moulitsas of Daily Kos makes but Charles of lgf doesn’t 🙂 Kos made it because of his war with the Clinton supporters. Evidently he didn’t handle it very well.
BTW, this is Radar so consider yourself forewarned about salty language.

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