Well, I guess Obama’s a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do candidate, huh? Whines about others playing tit-for-tat politics and then does it himself

As the Senator’s campaign train wound from one speech where he denounced tit-for-tat politics to the next speech where he denounced tit-for-tat politics, his campaign hosted a conference call to engage in the practice the candidate was busy denouncing. I suppose it would have been an even greater act of chutzpah for the Obama campaign to host the conference call while Sen. Obama was denouncing that kind of behavior, but not much more of one.

On his train tour Saturday, Senator Obama continued to condemn the petty distractions that keep Americans from focusing on real issues. He decried Clinton’s “tactics of Washington,” in which she attacks him with every possible weapon. “She’s got the kitchen sink flying, the china flying. The buffet is coming at me…when we get involved in the constant distractions the petty tit for tat politics…that may be good for the television ratings, but that’s not good for you.”
While the candidate was denouncing the distractions, his aides were promoting them. Three veterans of the Bosnia conflict joined for a conference call to explain just how crucial this particular distraction was, and why we should ignore Senator Obama’s guidance and get obsessed with this issue.

But since the Obamanites think their messiah can do no wrong (or all wrongs can be explained away by “Hillary started it”), I expect a lot of spinning in the comments section of this post. And I expect a lot of name calling (yes, it is telling when you guys shoot the messenger 🙂
Update: Added the link. BTW, Obama’s campaign disavowed the remarks about Clinton lacking the “moral authority to lay the wreath on Memorial Day.”

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