Well, I predicted it. I knew politicians couldn’t pass up the chance to take more of the taxpayers hard earned money and yet look like they are doing a good thing.

Paper or plastic? Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and City Council President Richard Conlin say the answer is neither.
The two are proposing a 20-cent fee on disposable shopping bags at grocery, drug and convenience stores. Their plan announced Wednesday also calls for a ban on foam take-home containers, plates and cups at restaurants.

This law would be an undue burden on the forgetful. I forget to put my bags in the car and when I do manage to remember to put the bag in the car I forget to bring it into the store and only remember it as I’m checking out and see the plastic bags. Doesn’t seem fair to tax the handicapped 🙂
Update: I added the link. Sorry about that! You can blame the Hebrew quiz for that (I know I am 🙂

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