OK, all you lefties who come here complaining about Fox News (and for the record I want it noted that I am not employed by Fox Broadcasting and that I don’t get my news from Fox News, I get it from the Internet exclusively because I can get more indepth reports), note who said that, it wasn’t a Republican. It was Ed Rendell:

In a recent appearance on Fox News—not exactly considered friendly territory for the Democrats—he congratulated the network for having done “the fairest job [and] remained the most objective of all the cable networks.” In an interview with me, the governor was again in media-critic mode. “It took Saturday Night Live to bring some fairness to this election,” Rendell said, referring to the show’s now famous skit lampooning the media’s crush on Obama. “It’s stunning. Does Keith Olbermann get checks from the Obama campaign?”

Or the DNC or Moveon.org?

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