We’ve heard this story before, there are some in both Obama’s camp and Hillary’s camp who will vote for McCain if their candidate isn’t nominated. What makes this report interesting is who is being interviewed, it is clearly a sign of problems for either candidate (though maybe everyone will chill by November). McCain is surely blessed to be running for president against the victor in this fight 🙂

In the early days of the Democratic presidential contest, voters partial to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama told pollsters they’d be happy with either one as the party’s nominee. That was before the campaign entered its hand-to-hand combat phase.
Recent polling shows that almost 30 percent of Clinton supporters and nearly 20 percent of Obama supporters say that if their preferred candidate doesn’t win the nomination, they’ll vote Republican.
Perhaps the last place you’d expect to find a Democrat willing to vote for the other party was the California Democratic Party’s annual convention last weekend in San Jose. But even among these hard-core activists, people were badmouthing their party’s possible presidential nominees. Mention Clinton’s name to Obama supporter Charlotte Pierce, and disdain is evident in her voice.
“I just think that Hillary is upset because she thought she was going to rise to the throne, and it’s just not happening,” Pierce said. She added, “I’m disappointed in what Hillary has done. She’s slung a lot of mud very unnecessarily.”
Another Obama backer, Quinn Gardner, is so turned off at the thought of a Clinton victory that he’s thinking the unthinkable. “It’s a question we’ve been talking about a lot today, saying if Hillary Clinton got the nomination, would you still vote for her,” he said.

“I don’t know at this point,” he said, sighing. “I wish I had a better answer. It’s tough.”
Bashin was volunteering with Lisa Simon, who said that even if Obama got the nomination, she wouldn’t vote for John McCain. But she knows other Clinton backers who would.
“They’re telling me they cannot vote for Obama,” Simon said. “They’re also telling me that they have real issues with the Rev. [Jeremiah] Wright’s comments.”


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