I noticed this in the article about Republican crossover voting and I couldn’t help but note that this is guy is voting against his own interest. If he wants a change, he’ll get it under Obama because he will lose all the tax cuts that he enjoyed while Bush was president.

Donald Durrah, 65, lives on Wade Park Avenue just two doors down from Democrat and U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones – one of Clinton’s most ardent supporters.
It’s hasn’t been easy being one of the few Republicans in the neighborhood, said Durrah.
But for decades, he believed the Republicans represented his interests, particularly since he was a small businessman. In recent years, Durrah said that’s changed.
He hasn’t liked the Republican presidential choices.
Then this winter, Obama’s message caught his ear.
Obama talked about hope and the future, Durrah said, and “I wanted to participate in that change.”

I’m amazed that a small businessman in Ohio would work to disadvantage himself in such a weak economy. (Should I make the joke about change? I’m really tempted to do it but I’ll refrain since I’m sure you guys (this time I do mean Reformed Chick readers not Democrats — just thought I would make it clear for the commenters who get confused by this stuff) have heard it already).

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