That doesn’t sound very post partisan, it sounds like your typical partisan whine. And it’s a stupid, naive whine at that because he should be nailing her on how this is typical Clinton behavior, it’s the way they always handle those they go up against, they engage in personal attacks. If he really wanted to hit Clinton back, he would have pointed it out and would not have engaged in typical liberal demagoguery. That’s not much of a change.

Barack Obama continued to go after Hillary Clinton this evening, accusing her of using “Republican tactics” against him.
“When in the midst of a campaign you decide to throw the kitchen sink at your opponent because you’re behind,” he said, “and your campaign starts leaking photographs of me when I’m traveling overseas wearing the native clothes of those folks to make people afraid, and then you run an ad talking about who’s going to answer the phone at three in the morning, an ad straight out of the Republican playbook, that’s not real change.”
Tonight’s comments were the most direct criticism from Obama regarding the distribution of the photo of him in traditional African garb. The Clinton campaign denied having anything to do with the photos when they were initially published, and the issue seemed to have faded until Obama brought it up tonight.

Her actions and his response are what people are tired of. I thought that was what he was trying to raise above labels but I guess it’s too hard for a liberal to rise above politics.

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