Oh.My.Heck! Anyone thinking she’s running for VP is ignoring the fact that she’s definitely trying to delegitimatize his win. Definitely looks like the Tonya Harding option:

“You know, you can always go to the convention. That’s what credential fights are for,” she said. “Let’s have the Democratic party go on record against seating the Michigan and Florida delegations three months before the general election? I don’t think that will happen. I think they will be seated. So that’s where we’re headed if we don’t get this worked out.”

Thank you, Dean for this wonderful mess you’ve made, it’s the only sliver of hope Republicans have 🙂
Here’s a video, you’ve got to go see her saying this. She is one tough cookie.
Update: It just gets better and better as it becomes an all out war. Here’s Pelosi’s response to Clinton backers threatening her over superdelegates:

Brendan Daly, a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), responded late Wednesday night to a letter by supporters of New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton urging his boss to stop making comments about the superdelegates respecting the will of Democratic primary voters and caucus-goers:
“Speaker Pelosi is confident that superdelegates will choose between Sens. Clinton or Obama — our two strong candidates — before the convention in August,” Daly said. “That choice will be based on many considerations, including respecting the decisions of millions of Americans who have voted in primaries and participated in caucuses. The speaker believes it would do great harm to the Democratic Party if superdelegates are perceived to overturn the will of the voters. This has been her position throughout this primary season, regardless of who was ahead at any particular point in delegates or votes.”

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