It’s time to mess with the Democrats’ race! Here are the open primaries:

Virginia, Wisconsin, Ohio, Texas, Indiana

So, now you guys who live in these states have an opportunity to help the Republican party by voting for Hillary. Yes, I know that sounds like an alternative realty thing to do and I know that you may need a shower afterward but it’s for a good cause (no one will force you to buy health insurance if you don’t want it), McCain has a better shot against her than he does against Obama.
In fact Rush is ready to start a drive to send her campaign contributions and he gave it a catchy title: “Keep her in it so we can win it!” (Of course he’s doing it to prove a point about how lame our candidate is that the only reason we’ll vote for him is to stop Hillary)

RUSH: All right, folks, I need to ask you a question, personal question from me to you. Do I sound like I need cheering up here? I’m getting e-mails from friends, “Boy, you sound like you could use a little cheering up.” And they’re sending me these stupid little Internet jokes, “for you to smile,” like an Internet joke would cheer me up. Spam would cheer me up. But do I sound like I need to be cheered up? I can’t wait ’til the Drive-Bys get hold of my thought, my consideration of helping Hillary raise money. They’ll miss the reason. They’ll just publicize, “Limbaugh is so upset at Romney getting out, he’s thinking of raising money for Hillary, period.” But the reason for raising money for Hillary is because that apparently my party is relying on fear and loathing of Hillary to get the nomination, to unite Republicans, who are, some of them, off the reservation. The Republicans do not seem to be relying on leadership in their party to unite the party. They seem to be relying on all these external things, nobody is going to vote for Hillary, negative turnout factor. What if she’s not the nominee? We’ve got make sure she’s the nominee if the Republican Party is to be unified. What more loyal thing could I do than to run a fundraiser for Mrs. Clinton? You watch, though, you watch how that will be questioned.

It would be nice if we had real leaders in this race but what do you expect from a bunch of Senators? Leadership isn’t really something that’s cultivated in the Senate, is it?
Update: It seems I’ve upset people with this post. I take it that those who are commenting might not realize that the Democrats and Independents voted in the Republican primary in NH, Michigan and SC. It is allowed in open primary states to vote in whatever primary you want. So there is nothing illegal or immoral in voting because it’s expected that everyone gets a chance to vote for the candidate no matter their party affiliation. Now, if Democrats don’t want us to pick their candidate and we don’t want them to pick ours, then we need to force the states to close their primaries. Otherwise, it’s perfectly OK to vote for whatever candidate you want.
Now to all of you who do not think that it’s very Christian of me to suggest this, please show me in Scriptures where I have violated a commandment of God. I am not breaking any laws and I certainly don’t look at voting as a sacred duty, I look at it as a civic duty and I usually will elect the person who best represents my belief, failing that I’ll vote for the lesser of two evils (which is what I will be doing in November). If I were in VA, I would vote for Hillary because it would help get McCain elected.
And if it doesn’t, then we would never have had a shot against Obama.
Oh and btw, this post was kind of tongue in cheek anyway 🙂 Hillary and Obama’s race will probably be decided by the super delegates anyway.

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