Some good news for a change! I hope he stays because we need all the good Congressman we can get to derail the coming socialism and tax burden (btw, for those of you who say that Bush’s tax cut was on the rich might want to keep in mind that all of us with kids will be paying more in taxes when his tax cuts expire).

U.S. Rep. John Shadegg said Thursday he will reconsider his decision to retire at the end of his term.

He began wavering after learning that more than half of the Republicans in the House have signed a letter asking him to stay. Shadegg, 58, unexpectedly announced his retirement Monday.
The letter is the first of kind and scope in recent memory. One of its three authors, Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, said he and the others collected 135 signatures in about two hours Thursday afternoon. Pence expected to obtain additional signatures today.
Shadegg said he was aware the letter was being circulated, but had not seen it by Thursday evening.
“I think I have an obligation to take a look at it and consider it,” he told the Tribune. “If it’s 138 members, if it really is 138 members, then I’ve got a duty to at least look at it and give their request fair consideration.”
The letter to Shadegg states, “As chairman of the Republican Study Committee, a member of House leadership, and a leader in the conservative movement, you are helping Republicans return to core principles. Your intellectual consistency in defense of the Constitution and passionate articulation of conservative principles is in need now more than ever.”
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