Wow! I didn’t think that anyone was becoming a Republican anymore, I thought everyone opposed the war and I was part of a dying breed, one of only a handful left in the Republican party. And I thought that everyone was becoming a Democrat so that they could be part of the Obamanation 🙂

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) announced today the launch of its new national advertising campaign.
The series of ads entitled “I Used to Be a Democrat” tell the true-life, political journeys of former Jewish Democrats. While the circumstances may vary, one common theme persists among them: Each is now a Jewish Republican.

In one ad, Glenn M. Taubman of Annandale, Va says: “I don’t agree with the Republicans on every issue, but the Democratic Party just doesn’t represent me anymore.” In another, Stephen Rosenbach of Arnold, Md says: “I couldn’t stay in the party dominated by the far left who won’t stand up to the threat posed by Iran, Syria and growing radical Islamic extremism.” The ads also encourage other former Jewish Democrats to share their political journeys with the RJC.


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