It looks like he still hasn’t won over his base. What to do, what to do? Here’s a suggestion:

Beyond this, the only thing left for McCain to do is select a Vice President movement conservatives will identify with. Vice Presidents are notoriously weak, but picking a really conservative one isn’t meaningless, even if it doesn’t foreshadow a more conservative McCain presidency. Given the likelihood, should McCain be our next commander-in-chief, that his deputy will eventually be the party’s nominee, a conservative pick amounts to a promissory note: “If you put up with me for 8 years, you’ll get this guy next.”

Ya think? Where has this guy been for the last couple of weeks?
BTW, he didn’t get over 49% in Washington. I think it’s safe to say that the base is still a little ticked off. And he has to go up against Obama with our support. I’m thinking a landslide victory for Obama.

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