A Huckabee win or a near win will remind McCain that he doesn’t have our support. Huckabee makes a good protest vote as he did in Kansas:

Huckabee pulled in 60 percent of the vote, compared to 24 percent for U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona and 11 percent for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas.
Kris Kobach, state GOP chairman, said the result in Kansas should be viewed as a message to the McCain campaign.
“It sends a pretty significant signal to John McCain that he’s got a lot of work to do to get significant factions of the Republican Party solidly behind him,” Kobach said.

Now, the Huckabee supporters may say that he won because Huckabee’s caucus-goers want him to be president. That very well may be the case but look how it’s reported 🙂 Thanks, Huckabee.

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