Russert tries to talk sense into Huckabee but Huckabee wasn’t listening:

MR. RUSSERT: You need 1191 delegates; you have 231, as I mentioned. That means you need 960.GOV. HUCKABEE: Mm-hmm.MR. RUSSERT: There are only 819 delegates to win. So how are you going to do that?GOV. HUCKABEE: Well, you know, I don’t know how the math works out, but there’s always the chance something stumbles. The thing is it’s not just how many I need, Senator McCain also needs that many. And if he doesn’t get that many, he’s not the nominee either. This thing could go to the convention. Who knows? But the one thing I know, when people say, “Isn’t it a rather complicated and convoluted path to victory?” You bet it is. But it’s a real easy path to defeat. All I have to do is walk off the field, game’s over.[…]MR. RUSSERT: Next up is Tuesday, we have Maryland and, and Virginia. Here’s Mason-Dixon, latest polls out this morning: McCain, 54; Huckabee, 23 in Maryland. In Virginia, it’s McCain, 55; Huckabee, 27. You’re the decided underdog in both those states.

Kind of demonstrates that he’s still flying by the seat of his pants. I wonder if anyone on his campaign “knows how the math works?” So far they haven’t demonstrated that they do.And this is something that I just can’t understand:

GOV. HUCKABEE: Well, I think then it’s over. I mean, he’s–he is the nominee at that point. But until then, you know, I haven’t had one of my supporters, Tim, come up to me and say, “Why don’t you leave?” Not one. None of my endorsers, none of the folks who are with me. And, in fact, they’re so fired up that we’re having record hits and contributions going to our Web site. We’ve had more traffic. We, we had a $250,000 day–we’d never had anything like that–on I think Friday.

Why do people donate money to a candidate they know won’t win? Russert also asked Huckabee about comments made by Kenneth Copeland about a conservation he had with Huckabee in which Huckabee stated he would stand with Copeland in his fight with Senator Grassley his investigation into Copeland’s finances. And brought up the fact that Copeland was raising money for Huckabee. Huckabee seriously tried to duck a number of times but Russert wouldn’t let him. The quote is too big, you can read it here or watch the video.

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