She wasn’t invited this year to CPAC but she got a chance to speak in front of the Young America’s Foundation. A couple highlights:
“I think of Huckabee the way I think of Jimmy Swaggert, I think of him as a snake oil salesman but I like the people who like him…I think he’s a hornswoggler.”
Talking about McCain consulting with Kennedy on judges: “I don’t think my girl Hillary is going to listen to Teddy Kennedy anymore!”
“And the only Democrat who can stop her now is B. Hussein Obama. His strongest selling point is that he is one of the least dangerous people I know named Hussein. Other than that, Barack’s really been kind of coasting on his record, since his first big accomplishment of being born half-black. I keep hearing people say, ‘Oh, Obama could never be elected because he’s half-black. You know, ’cause we’re just such a racist country.’ What are they talking about? He wouldn’t be running for president if he weren’t half-black. He’d be Dick Durbin with less experience.”

She said that if Romney were on the ticket, she’d vote for McCain. “I’ve led one impeachment. I can lead another,”
If McCain wins and he governs as a conservative, she will have to marry some guy that’s proposed to her publicly before (the promise comes during the Q&A).
Here’s the link to the video.
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