I just found out that my OTI professor is online! How cool is that. His class was one of the most interesting classes I’ve ever taken and his insight helped expand my understanding of not only the OT but the NT and theology in general and the whole idea of inspiration. Because of his class I realized that I wasn’t reading my Bible carefully enough and there was tons of stuff I was missing.
The purpose of his blog:

The focus of this website is Biblical Theology and Biblical Studies and how these fields interface with contemporary Christian faith.

He explains Biblical Theology here.
I found out about his site from Justin Taylor who linked to the back and forth that is going on over Enns book:

Enns looks at three broad issues raised by biblical scholars that seem to threaten traditional views of Scripture:
* Parallels with ancient Near Eastern literature that have been used to question Scripture’s uniqueness
* Theological diversity in the Old Testament that has been used to question Scripture’s trustworthiness
* Unusual uses of the Old Testament by New Testament writers that have beenused to question Scripture’s authority

This is pretty much what we learned in class. If you are interested in examining inspiration in a completely different light, then I suggest you check out the book.

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