Pretty unbelievable that you get jail time for allowing children to name a teddy bear Muhammad:

British teacher Gillian Gibbons has been convicted of inciting religious hatred for letting her pupils name a teddy bear Muhammad and sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation from Sudan, one of her defense lawyers said Thursday.
“The judge found Gillian Gibbons guilty and sentenced her to 15 days jail and deportation,” said Ali Mohammed Hajab, a member of her defense team.
The director of the school employing Gibbons, however, noted that since she had already spent five days in prison, she would serve only 10 days.
“It’s a very fair verdict, she could have had six months and lashes and a fine, and she only got 15 days and deportation,” said Robert Boulos of the Unity High School, adding they would not appeal the decision.

Aren’t you so happy that you live in a country where you can sell Muhammad teddy bears on ebay? Evidently, you can’t 🙂

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