The producer of “24,” Joel Surnow doesn’t think Hillary will win the presidency:

“I’m not even sure that Hillary is a fait accompli [to win the Democratic Party nomination] as this point,” Mr. Surnow told a group of reporters and bloggers in a wide-ranging interview during the Young America’s Foundation’s (YAF) West Coast Leadership Conference. “Are we nuts thinking Hillary Clinton could be president of this country? Honest to God, just stand back and think about it.”

He also said that the conservatives in Hollywood can get work if they produce good scripts:

…who dismissed as “whining” conservatives’ complaints that they are treated unfairly by Hollywood liberals.
“Our job is not to whine. That’s their job,”
After his speech, sipping a vodka gimlet as he talked to a group of writers, Mr. Surnow scoffed at the suggestion that Hollywood’s liberalism prevents conservatives from getting work in film and television.
“There’s tons of conservatives who work,” he said. “If you write a great script, you could drop it off a freeway overpass in rush hour, and the movie would still get made.”

And he wasn’t too optimistic about the outcome of the writers strike:

Speaking of the ongoing writers’ strike, which has stopped production of many movies and TV programs, Mr. Surnow predicted a long strike that could prove disastrous to the Writers Guild and rejected the suggestion that the union had the industry at a disadvantage.
“Hollywood’s not being held hostage. … I think [the studios] are going to break the Guild,” he said, later remarking: “Millionaires on the picket line. … They’re not going to get a lot of empathy.”

I’m not sure I totally agree, I do have some sympathy for the strikers because they are on the Internet and aren’t getting paid for it — I can empathize with that 🙂 Though, I wouldn’t pay for content just so that they could get paid.
The writers know that they are going to lose money on the deal but they are concerned about the future when TV is gone and everyone is getting their content online. I think they are premature in their fear and should have waited a few more years when this would become more of an issue. They could have kept raising the concern but waited until networks were making a decent profit from being online and then demanded their fair share reminding the networks that they waited while they got themselves established online (the only site I have no trouble watching episodes is ABC — CBS is the worst).

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