OK, atheists and liberals who have been complaining about the Bush theocracy here you go! What are you going to say about Obama now that he sounds exactly like Bush. I bet we don’t hear a peep from you guys about it since he’s your candidate:

After speaking to an evangelical church on Sunday in this traditionally conservative South Carolina city, Sen. Barack Obama said that Republicans no longer have a firm grip on religion in political discourse.

During the nearly two hour service that featured a rock band and hip-hop dancers, Obama shared the floor with the church’s pastor, Ron Carpenter. The senator from Illinois asked the multiracial crowd of nearly 4,000 people to keep him and his family in their prayers, and said he hoped to be “an instrument of God.”
“Sometimes this is a difficult road being in politics,” Obama said. “Sometimes you can become fearful, sometimes you can become vain, sometimes you can seek power just for power’s sake instead of because you want to do service to God. I just want all of you to pray that I can be an instrument of God in the same way that Pastor Ron and all of you are instruments of God.”
He finished his brief remarks by saying, “We’re going to keep on praising together. I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth.”

BTW, this is what happens when you mix religion and politics, your words can be misconstrued. He could be talking about creating the Kingdom of God here on earth. I guess he doesn’t understand that was Jesus’ job to do and it’s already been accomplished — it’s called the church.

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