Seems like Thompson did pretty good in the debate. I’ll try to post a video when I find one on YouTube:

“I’ve enjoyed watching these fellows,” Thompson said after avoiding verbal missteps that have plagued his month-old candidacy. “I’ve got to admit it was getting a little boring without me.”
But he was a bystander in an early confrontation between Giuliani, former mayor of New York, and Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, who continued a week-long campaign-trail battle over their tax and spending policies while in office.
Thompson, 65, the former Hollywood actor and Tennessee senator, has shot into second place among Republicans in polls since entering the race. While he has been criticized for being vague on facts and unfamiliar with issues on the campaign trail, he appeared at ease and authoritative in the debate.
Romney likened Thompson’s late entry in the race to his old television show “Law and Order.”
“It has a huge cast. The series seems to go on forever. And Fred Thompson shows up at the end,” Romney said.

I would think that Thompson would be happy not to be part of an argument between Romney and Rudy as to who is more liberal. Both of them compared to Thompson!
And then there’s this from McCain:

“We have to get spending under control,” he said. “We Republicans who came to power in 1994 to change government — government changed us.”

That would make a good campaign ad for one of his opponents (if he were even worth the effort).
And the winner? Thompson has a slight lead over Rudy in the LGF poll. Of course the Paulettes drove up the poll numbers at CNBC (LGF has the numbers).

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