You’ve probably seen Chris Matthews’ appearance on “The Daily Show” already but I couldn’t help commenting on the fact that Matthews demonstrated what an intellectual lightweight and egomaniac he really is and who evidently lacks a moral core. How do you get life lessons from politicians on the campaign trail? How is your life improved by knowing that Bill Clinton picked up chicks by “listening” to them? Why would you base a life on artifice and pandering? How can you cultivate an in-depth relationship when your example is so shallow, superficial and self-involved? The candidate is looking to use others to get them elected, why would you want to emulate that in your personal relationships?It’s amazing to me that anyone would promote such amoral behavior as a way of life and evidently it amazed Stewart as well:

Jon Stewart: What campaigns are, are photo opportunities that are staged. And there’s nothing in this book about ‘Be Good. Be Competent.’Chris Matthews: That’s the Bible. It’s been written.Jon Stewart: This book has been written, too! It was called “The Prince.”Chris Matthews: This book is better. Did you read it? What’d you think?Jon Stewart: Yes, I read it. I thought it was a recipe for sadness. Only because when I read it I thought ‘This strikes me as artifice. If you live this book, your life will be strategy.’ This strikes me as saying success is finite.[…]Jon Stewart: That’s what I’m saying. Sometimes when you read the book, it seems like you’re saying ‘Do what you think will win,” not “Do what you think is right.”Chris Matthews: Well, it’s both.Jon Stewart: Well, this seems to emphasize the former.Chris Matthews: It does! Can you come on ‘Hardball?’ We can play this both ways.

How do you write a book about life and relationships and leave out ethics? Matthews was exposed in this interview and it’s telling that he actually thinks he bested Stewart. That demonstrates by itself that he lacks a level of introspection that one would need for a book about life.Stewart did something that few in the MSM are ready to do: point out that the emperor has no clothes (in this case morals).Here’s the video:


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