His numbers were much better than reported! Yeah! I’m back to being hopeful again:

The Thompson for President campaign will show total donations of more than $12.7 million in its first report to be filed this month with the Federal Election Commission. Sen. Thompson has received donations from more than 80,000 supporters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and has $7 million cash on hand.

“The financial support Sen. Thompson has received from more than 80,000 donors demonstrates his huge grassroots appeal for Republicans who’ve been waiting for an authentic conservative to enter the race for president,” said campaign manager Bill Lacy. “We feel great about future fundraising, knowing there’s a big well of support to go back to, since people who’ve given once are likely to give again.”
The average dollar donation to the campaign is $176, with 22,000 donors contributing online and 200,000 Friends of Fred signing up online to support the campaign.
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